Nail in Wood and Wood in Nail Until recently, my work has been about combining wood with nails or steel bars, integrating them into geometrical shapes such as a sphere, a hemisphere or a cylinder. Whenever I do this, one of my troubles is keep nails and bolts out of sight. On the contrary, I now put an emphasis only on nails. I drive countless nails into wood, bend them, grind them, and then burn the wood, making nails protrude and at the same time blackening its growth ring and natural color. Then glittering metallic nails on the black charcoal become ever more conspicuous. Through this process, I draw a picture on wood using nails. It may be those that make a hard living who make this world a beautiful place. I certainly do not have the power to make it beautiful. I just hope to make those things that are seen beautiful. It may be a rusty bent nail. If you take a close look at it, however, you'll find how beautiful it is.
On 22 March, M Art Center and Mustard Seed Space are pleased to embrace a dual opening, by which SONG, a group exhibition of twelve contemporary artists, and All the Way to Sunset, a solo of emerging artist Zhang Peiyun will be presented. Both of the exhibitions will be on view from 22 March to 21 April 2014. In ancient Chinese culture, songs are for the heaven and the earth, for the nature and for friendship. In the western civilizations, the Song culture merges from various locations, but leads finally to the same place. The respect to the nature, the meditation of life, the pursuit of unknown, the longing for the ideal… … all these inner yelling are thrown to the vast universe by our artists, which echo in a different way. Look again, it seems that the song itself has become the response of the echo. Since antiquity, the resonance and interaction of the waves have formed, in which man and the universe has formed such a close connection. Song displays this beautiful relationship by summarizing artists from various fields, with different media, including oil on canvas, photo-multi media, sculpture, installation, jewelry design, video, etc. The rich forms of arts here are to present a subtle but harmonious world perspectives of the artists. “Nothing under the sun is truly new”. In this spring revive, two exhibitions are of one thought - how to measure the in-between of the real world...
"In even the most perfect reproduction, one thing is lacking: the here and now of the work of art--its unique existence in a particular place. It is this unique existence, and nothing else, that bears the mark of the history to which the work has been subject." (Walter Benjamin) I stroll down South Mao Ming Road, pass the old Jing Jiang Hotel, and turn on Ju Lu Street as the buttonwood trees shade the ground with crushing patterns. I enter the maze of the Shi Ku Men and turn down the second alley on the left. Passing through the tattered black door, it closes behind me with a creaky thud. The daylight flows softly through the translucent roof of the patio. The worn, cracked floor tiles have maintained their delicate pattern despite their eighty years. A spider diligently weaves its web in the corner. The sounds of men and women chatting outside seep through the walls like waves of words and phrases from another world. I switch on the lamp, and light pours down. My silk canvas shimmers like the skin of a living being; my thoughts, mind, body, the smell of air, the faintest sound, the past forgotten or remembered, and the lingering future--all are captured in the lumen of light in the here and now. Slight and transparent, countless random factors float and fleet like dust, disconnected and seemingly negligible, yet intoxicating. As light needs time to transfer,...
And the sun still as strong as before. Its impatient brushes were painting the world. Thomas Tranströmar, Secret on the Way Present Participle I presents a collection of works by artists that have been collaborating with our gallery in recent years. It is an exhibition aiming at showing the other side of the creative process that every artist engages in his/her everyday life consistently and whole-heartedly. Here art making has become a habit of life and yet it always encounterschallenge and breakthrough. Without art and artists, our gallery walls will be empty and our hearts will be desolate. Every brushstroke left by the artist is processing towards the understanding of our world. They are the tangible remains of our memory, passion. love, sadness and longing. Because of this, we want to believe the world is still wonderful. This is a promise of our belief in the future and it is happening right now.
Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever,and their dwelling places to all generations; they call their lands after their own names. Old Testament, Psalms, 49:11 What is the city over the mountains Cracks and reforms and bursts in the violet air The Waste Land T.S.Eliot The scene is compact, however a void rules its background. Just what is it? A hanging garden? A city within a city? The tower of Babel? A metropolitan generating its own explosion? A future invention for vertical living? Who can see these cities? Who can see the people on the stage? Depth separates a city from a stage. The surfaces of both being lifted and installed in a four-sided frame has now become a painting. In a godless nation where spiritual experience is a rare phenomenon, can we still demand ideals and beliefs? For artists, especially for painters, we should not ask them what they want to express in their paintings, but what we can see in them. The fundamental task of an artist is not to deal with social critique or self-irony, rather it is to deal with those existential dilemma that we all encounter. No one ever asked us if we wanted to be born, but nevertheless we are all cast into this world, gathered in one sphere which we call “the city” . The main task of a painter is to present the world. Although he may only...