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《线4》60X40cm(30X40X2块),油画板 2012

《线2》30X40cm,油画板 2012

《线1》30X40cm,油画板 2012

《五根》 110X5cmX5根, 硬木 2012

《框2》45*60 布面丙烯 2011

《框1》45X60 布面丙烯 2011

《黑》30X30 布面丙烯 2013

《2合1》225X75cm 材质:综合材质 年代:2011

《?》35X11cm 材质:蜂蜡,玻璃 年代:2012


Jing Yu

Sep 21, 2013 ~ Oct 22

The mixture of the applied single lines, cubes, mosaics, and geometries, together with the hybrid of materials has been transformed into a unique multi-medium language in Yujing’s art, hence regenerates a new order to express the undulating structure of his art-life.

Line (1/2/3/4, 2012), depicts a series of slight changes being occurred on an echocardiogram, when the ears were filled with audible noise of heart murmurs, the inside was flowing as still as ripples in the stream. In Five Pieces (2012), the lopsided musical notes appear like five fingers working together, their functions being divided in logical order, with one dominating the others, they mutually making progression to run toward a new prelude. Frame (2011) was an exploration from backward order prior to clicking the camera lens via backlighting, and the DARKNESS (2013) was buried at the bottom end of dark pupils; With bee wax and glass being installed into a new impressionistic QUESTION MARK (2013), the exhibition was stroked by the artist in a mixed-medium tone, seemingly in disorder from outer surface, yet being layered in order intrinsically, which scatters steadily in resonance at Mustard Seed Space.


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